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Text File | 1993-12-15 | 8.2 KB | 230 lines | [TEXT/MPS ] |
- Specific features of MacPerl Matthias Neeracher 15Dec93
- This file describes differences between MacPerl and a typical Unix perl
- implementation. Much of this information can also be found at the end of
- PerlHelp. If you have 411, search for Perl…Macintosh…Extensions.
- 1. VARIA
- "\n" on a Mac means ASCII 13, as opposed to Unix, where it means ASCII 10
- Pathnames are specified as:
- volume:folder:file for absolute pathnames
- :folder:file for relative pathnames
- :file for relative pathnames
- file for relative pathnames
- MacPerl has a limited capability to handle constructs like `command` or
- open(F, "|command"), if you are the lucky owner of ToolServer. Additionally, whether
- you have toolserver or not, `pwd` and `Directory` (case is significant) always return
- the current directory, followed by a newline.
- MacPerl has more Socket families than Unix Perl. Additionally, there is a call
- choose() to allow the user to interactively specify addresses or file names. As
- there are lots of rather complicated data types, there is a library header "GUSI.ph"
- which defines packing/unpacking procedures.
- Choose() is called as follows:
- Puts up a modal dialog prompting the user to choose an address.
- DOMAIN specifies the communication domain, like for socket().
- TYPE may be used by future communication domains to further
- differentiate within a domain, but is ignored by current domains.
- PROMPT is a message that will appear in the dialog. CONSTRAINT may
- be set to a suitable packed value to restrict the types of acceptable
- addresses.
- Examples:
- require "GUSI.ph";
- $file =
- MacPerl'CHoose(
- &GUSI'AF_FILE, 0, "",
- &GUSI'pack_sa_constr_file("OBJ ", "TEXT"));
- Return the full pathname of an existing text
- or MPW object file.
- $dir = &MacPerl'Choose(&GUSI'AF_FILE, 0, "", "", &GUSI'CHOOSE_DIR);
- Return the full pathname of an existing directory.
- $file =
- &MacPerl'Choose(
- &GUSI'AF_FILE, 0, "", "",
- Return the pathname of a new file to be created.
- Socket families are:
- Internet:
- Packing addresses: &GUSI'pack_sockaddr_in(family, address, port)
- Unpacking addresses: (family, address, port) = &GUSI'unpack_sockaddr_in(addr)
- Choose: Not available.
- Unix:
- Packing addresses: &GUSI'pack_sockaddr_un(family, path)
- Unpacking addresses: (family, path) = &GUSI'unpack_sockaddr_un(addr)
- Choose: choose(&GUSI'AF_UNIX, 0, "", "", 0, "");
- looks up an existing address.
- choose(
- &GUSI'AF_UNIX, 0, "Yes ?", "",
- creates a new address.
- No constraints may be specified.
- Appletalk (ADSP):
- Packing addresses: &GUSI'pack_sockaddr_atlk(family, net, node, socket) (numerical)
- &GUSI'pack_sockaddr_atlk_sym(family, obj, type, zone) (symbolic)
- Unpacking addresses: (family, net, node, socket) = &GUSI'unpack_sockaddr_atlk(addr)
- (family, obj, type, zone) = &GUSI'unpack_sockaddr_atlk_sym(addr)
- Choose: choose(&GUSI'AF_APPLETALK, 0, "Eh ?",
- &GUSI'pack_sa_constr_atlk("LaserWriter", "GorillaWriter"),
- 0, "");
- looks up an existing address.
- New addresses may not currently be created with choose.
- PPC Toolbox:
- Packing addresses: &GUSI'pack_sockaddr_ppc(family, type, name, porttype)
- Unpacking addresses: Not available.
- Choose: choose(&GUSI'AF_PPC, 0, "Eh ?",
- &GUSI'pack_sa_constr_ppc("Gonkulator"),
- 0, "");
- looks up an existing address.
- New addresses may not currently be created with choose.
- &MacPerl'Answer(PROMPT)
- &MacPerl'Answer(PROMPT,BUTTON1)
- Presents to the user a dialog with 1, 2, or 3 buttons.
- Examples:
- &MacPerl'Answer("Nunc et in hora mortis nostrae", "Amen");
- always returns 0.
- &MacPerl'Answer("I refuse");
- is equivalent to &MacPerl'Answer("I refuse", "OK");
- &MacPerl'Answer("Delete hard disk ?", "OK", "Cancel");
- returns 1 for OK, 0 for Cancel
- &MacPerl'Answer("Overwrite existig file", "Overwrite", "Skip", "Cancel");
- returns 2 for Overwrite, 1 for Skip, 0 for Cancel
- &MacPerl'Ask(PROMPT)
- Asks the user for a string. A default value may be given. Returns
- undef if the dialog is cancelled.
- Example:
- $phone = &&MacPerl'Ask("Enter your phone number:");
- $name = &&MacPerl'Ask("Enter your first name", "Bruce");
- Useful for Australian database applications
- &MacPerl'Pick(PROMPT, VALUES)
- Asks the user to pick a choice from a list. VALUES is a list of choices.
- Returns undef if the dialog is cancelled.
- Examples:
- $color = &MacPerl'Pick("What's your favorite color baby ?", "Red", "Green", "Gold");
- &MacPerl'SetFileInfo(CREATOR,TYPE,FILE...)
- Changes the file types and creators of the file(s).
- Examples:
- &MacPerl'SetFileInfo("MPS ", "TEXT", yin, yang);
- Turn yin and yang into MPW text files
- &MacPerl'GetFileInfo(FILE)
- In scalar context, returns the file type. In array context, returns
- (creator,type).
- Examples:
- &MacPerl'GetFileInfo(yin);
- Returns "TEXT" or ("MPS ", "TEXT").
- &MacPerl'DoAppleScript(SCRIPT)
- Execute an AppleScript script.
- Example:
- &MacPerl'DoAppleScript(<<END_SCRIPT);
- tell application "MacPerl"
- make new Window
- copy "Inserting text the hard way." to character 1 of front Window
- end tell
- &MacPerl'Reply(ANSWER)
- Reply to current DoScript request. Useful if you are calling Perl
- scripts from other applications.
- &MacPerl'Quit(LEVEL)
- If Level is 0, don't quit after ending the script. If 1, quit if
- running under a runtime version, if 2, always quit.
- &MacPerl'LoadExternals(LIBFILE)
- Load XCMD and XFCN extensions contained in file LIBFILE, which is searched
- along the same path as it would be for a require. The extensions are made
- accessible in the current package, unless they conatin an explicit package
- name.
- &MacPerl'DebugExternals(DEBUGLEVEL)
- If DEBUGLEVEL is 0, don't print any debug information for XCMDs and XFCNs.
- If 1, print information for unimplemented callbacks. If 2, print
- informations for all callbacks.
- &MacPerl'FAccess(FILE, CMD, ARGS)
- When called from the tool, manipulate various information of files. To
- get the command constants, it's convenient to require "FAccess.ph".
- $TAB = &MacPerl'FAccess(FILE, &F_GTABINFO)
- &MacPerl'FAccess(FILE, &F_STABINFO, TAB)
- Manipulate tabulator setting (in spaces per tab).
- &MacPerl'FAccess(FILE, &F_SFONTINFO, FONT [, SIZE])
- Manipulate font and size information. Both font names and font numbers
- are accepted for F_SFONTINFO; F_GFONTINFO returns a font name in an
- array context, a font number in a scalar context.
- Manipulate the MPW selection of a file.
- ($LEFT, $TOP, $RIGHT, $BOTTOM) = &MacPerl'FAccess(FILE, &F_GWININFO)
- $TOP = &MacPerl'FAccess(FILE, &F_GWININFO)
- Manipulate the window position.